Thank you for your interest in
"Avnei derech"
the Israeli primitive skills gathering.
We have two gatherings:
"Avnei Derech" (Milestones) - our spring equinox gathering
"Sheva Avanim" (Seven Stones) - our fall gathering
friction fire | plant fiber cordage | basket weaving | buckskin | tracking | pottery | nature awareness | felting | wildharvesting | bird language | flint knapping | earthen building | herbal medicine | blacksmithing | and more…
Our hope is that through these skills, we may re-connect with the sacred earth we live on, and positively take more responsibility for our children's future.
Back to earth,
back home
Thank you for walking in the way of the heart
Thank you for living in this time
Israeli Primitive Skills Gathering
March 19th-24th 2018
Registration will open January 1st 2018
By Oded Kit
Avnei-Derech 2017
Sheva Avanim
is a new gathering
Born from our participants need and request
to go deeper in the skills.
4 days
14 classes
130 participants -
Each takes one class for the whole time
Hide tanning | Flintknapping | Tracking | Primitive fire Ethiopian backpack weaving | Story telling
Wood carving | Baskt weaving | Stools making
Olive picnic basket weaving | Leather footwear
For more details contact us at avnei.d@gmail.com
Where did it all begin?
Avnei-Derech (Milestones) is a part of a global movement of primitive skills gatherings.
It all began in the U.S.A more than 30 years ago by David Wescott (Backtracks) in a pair of events called: Rabbitstick and Wintercount.
Over the years the movement grew and there are many similar gatherings taking place in the United States, here are some of our favorites:
Acorn - March CA.
Buckeye - May CA.
Saskatoon - September WA.
Between the rivers - May WA.
Sharpening stone - May OR.
Earthnack - June CO.
Echoes in time - July OR
Elements - August CA
All these gatherings are based on the model created by Backtracks, including Avneu-derech. We feel very privileged and grateful to walk this path.